You can enroll in our online courses at any time:
- Please contact us via chat on this website to pre-agree a planned start date of your classes for specific online course.
- Immediately after prior agreement do purchase specific agreed online courses.
- After your purchase, we will schedule the start of your classes as previously agreed and give you all the necessary instructions.
Refer to "Purchases and Payments" section (link) of the "Terms and Conditions" (link).
Refreshing knowledge and skills:
If refreshing is requested, we assume that you already have good understanding of the given subject matter and will focus to refresh your knowledge as quick as possible. You will receive same or more concise instruction and less time-consuming, but more advanced exercises. This will allow you to proceed at a times faster pace and is therefore recommended when there are tight deadlines.
Learn with personal tutor:
If learning with personal tutor is requested, we ensure that the same dedicated tutor will closely monitor your progress in the specified online course or courses for which the personal tutor was requested. This provides more accurate, student-specific, highly personalized tutoring: instruction, motivation, clarification of concepts and assistance to reinforce learning. However, personal tutoring may proceed at a slower pace due to scheduling challenges that we face then and is therefore recommended only when there are no tight deadlines.