
Online physics courses for high school and admission to university/college

How to enroll in a course

You can enroll in our online courses at any time:

  1. Please contact us via chat on this website to pre-agree a planned start date of your classes for specific online course.
  2. Immediately after prior agreement do purchase specific agreed online courses.
  3. After your purchase, we will schedule the start of your classes as previously agreed and give you all the necessary instructions.

Refer to "Purchases and Payments" section (link) of the "Terms and Conditions" (link).

Refreshing knowledge and skills:

If refreshing is requested, we assume that you already have good understanding of the given subject matter and will focus to refresh your knowledge as quick as possible. You will receive same or more concise instruction and less time-consuming, but more advanced exercises. This will allow you to proceed at a times faster pace and is therefore recommended when there are tight deadlines.

Learn with personal tutor:

If learning with personal tutor is requested, we ensure that the same dedicated tutor will closely monitor your progress in the specified online course or courses for which the personal tutor was requested. This provides more accurate, student-specific, highly personalized tutoring: instruction, motivation, clarification of concepts and assistance to reinforce learning. However, personal tutoring may proceed at a slower pace due to scheduling challenges that we face then and is therefore recommended only when there are no tight deadlines.

Individual or group courses

You can enroll in any of our online courses with your own group of students (e.g. your friends, classmates, just random study mates, etc.) to take that course together, which allows to discount per-student price by almost half. The larger your group, the lower the price per student, and even a group of just 2 students (i.e. you and someone else) allows you to apply a significant discount. For any course, the page you are currently viewing displays the single-student (i.e. individual course) price, as well as the per-student price of the same course for your group of, at the moment, 3 students. Instead, get this page with prices for your group of any (from 2 to 10) number of students:

Basics of kinematics and mechanical motion

You will know:

  • Basics of kinematics
  • Mechanical motion
  • Reference system
  • Relativity of motion
  • Material point
  • Trajectory
  • Path and displacement
  • Velocity
  • Addition of velocities
  • Non-uniform motion
  • Average and instantaneous velocities
  • Uniform and uniformly accelerated motion
  • Acceleration
  • Graphs of kinematic quantities dependencies

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Systematic long-term Physics preparation for university/college admission and high school final exams (30% off)

You will know:

  • Basics of kinematics and mechanical motion
  • Classical mechanics: Dynamics, forces, and conservation laws
  • Mechanics: Inertia, energy, and idealized models
  • Molecular physics and thermal phenomena
  • Thermodynamics and energy transformations
  • Concepts and models in molecular physics and thermodynamics
  • Problem-solving in molecular physics and thermodynamics
  • Molecular physics, thermodynamics, and mechanics fundamentals
  • Electrostatics, electric fields, and potential concepts
  • Electrodynamics and practical applications of electric currents
  • Electric currents: electrolytes, gases, and semiconductors
  • Measuring instruments and their principles of operation
  • Mechanical oscillations, waves, and sound phenomena
  • Electromagnetic oscillations and waves, electric circuits, and resonance
  • Optics, light phenomena, and electromagnetic radiation properties
  • Sound, electromagnetic systems, and functional dependencies
  • Reflection, refraction, and image formation
  • Light phenomena: interference, diffraction, and polarization
  • Electromagnetic field and its practical applications
  • Atomic and nuclear physics fundamentals
  • Radioactivity and quantum phenomena in practice
  • Fundamental theories and laws in modern physics

The 30% discount of this Course applies to the total cost of the Bundle of courses that consists of the Courses (as if purchased individually) covered by this Course. Any Course that have been started, including this Course, is not refundable, see our Terms and Conditions.

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Classical mechanics: Dynamics, forces, and conservation laws

You will know:

  • Phenomena and processes: motion, inertia, free fall of bodies, interaction of bodies, deformation, buoyancy
  • Fundamental experiments: Archimedes, Torricelli, Pascal, Galileo, Cavendish
  • Basic concepts: reference system, material point, trajectory, coordinate, displacement, velocity, acceleration
  • Uniform circular motion: period and frequency, linear and angular velocities, centripetal acceleration
  • Basics of dynamics: Newton's laws, inertial reference frames, Galileo's principle of relativity
  • Mass, force, addition of forces, Newton's second and third laws
  • Gravitational forces, law of universal gravitation, force of gravity, satellite motion, first cosmic velocity
  • Spring forces, Hooke's law, frictional forces, moment of force, conditions of body equilibrium
  • Conservation laws: body impulse, law of conservation of momentum, reactive motion, conservation of energy

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Custom physics preparation course for university/college admission and high school final exams (20% off, if above 500 USD)

You will know:

  • Custom physics preparation topics tailored to individual needs.

You can arrange for your custom Course by contacting client support via website chat.

The 20% discount of the custom Course applies to the total cost of the Bundle of courses that consists of the Courses (as if purchased individually) covered by Custom Course, if that total cost exceeds 500 USD. Any Course that have been started, including custom Course, is not refundable, see our Terms and Conditions.

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Mechanics: Inertia, energy, and idealized models

You will know:

  • Inertia, mass, force, weight, moment of force, pressure, impulse, mechanical work, power, coefficient of performance, kinetic and potential energy, period and frequency
  • Idealized models: material point, closed system
  • Laws and principles: kinematic laws, Newton's laws of dynamics, laws of conservation of momentum and energy, universal gravitation, Hooke's law, Pascal's law, Archimedes' principle, conditions of body equilibrium and buoyancy, Galileo's principle

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Molecular physics and thermal phenomena

You will know:

  • Phenomena and processes: Brownian motion, diffusion, compression of gases, gas pressure, heat exchange (thermal conduction, convection, radiation)
  • Establishment of thermal equilibrium and irreversibility of thermal phenomena
  • Phase transitions: vaporization, condensation, and specific heat of vaporization
  • Deformation of solids, wetting, and capillary phenomena
  • Properties of gases, liquids, and solids: crystalline and amorphous solids, anisotropy of monocrystals, elastic and plastic deformation
  • Application of thermal processes: heat engines in transportation, energy industry, agriculture
  • Fundamental experiments: R. Boyle's, Amontons', J. Charles', Gay-Lussac's
  • Ecological consequences of heat engine operations

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Thermodynamics and energy transformations

You will know:

  • Basics of thermodynamics: internal energy, heat motion, and work in thermodynamic processes
  • Specific heat capacities: fusion, vaporization, and combustion
  • First law of thermodynamics and its application to isoprocesses
  • Adiabatic processes and ecological consequences of heat engines
  • Coefficient of useful action (efficiency) of heat engines and their limitations
  • Work in thermodynamics and heat balance equations

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Concepts and models in molecular physics and thermodynamics

You will know:

  • Basic concepts: temperature, pressure, volume, concentration, density, heat exchange, internal energy, amount of heat
  • Specific heat: of substances, fusion, vaporization, combustion of fuels
  • Surface tension, surface energy, and capillary phenomena
  • Relative humidity, dew point, and saturated/unsaturated vapor
  • Idealized models: ideal gas, ideal heat engine
  • Laws and principles: molecular-kinetic theory, equation of state of ideal gas

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Problem-solving in molecular physics and thermodynamics

You will know:

  • Functional dependencies: gas mass and molecule concentration, gas pressure, and temperature
  • Pressure and density dependence of saturated vapor on temperature
  • Work done in thermodynamic processes and analysis of gas pressure-volume relationships

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Molecular physics, thermodynamics, and mechanics fundamentals

You will know:

  • Substance properties in different states of aggregation: molecular movement and interactions
  • Fundamentals of molecular physics, thermodynamics, and mechanics

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Electrostatics, electric fields, and potential concepts

You will know:

  • Basics of electrostatics: electric charge, conservation of charge, Coulomb's law
  • Electric field: intensity and principle of superposition of fields
  • Work in electrostatic fields, potential, and effects of conductors and dielectrics in electrostatic fields

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Electrodynamics and practical applications of electric currents

You will know:

  • Laws of electrodynamics: Coulomb’s law, Ohm's law, Joule-Lenz's law
  • Magnetic fields: magnetic induction, Ampere’s force, Lorentz force, ferromagnetic materials
  • Electromagnetic induction: induced EMF, magnetic flux, Lenz’s rule, self-induction, inductance

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Electric currents: electrolytes, gases, and semiconductors

You will know:

  • Electric currents in solutions and melts of electrolytes: laws and applications of electrolysis
  • Electric currents in gases: non-self-sustaining and self-sustaining discharges, plasma
  • Electric currents in vacuum and semiconductors: intrinsic and extrinsic conductivity, resistance dependence on temperature
  • Semiconductor devices: electron-hole transition, diodes, and transistors

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Measuring instruments and their principles of operation

You will know:

  • Principles of measuring instruments: electroscope, electrometer, capacitor, voltmeter, and ammeter
  • Current sources and consumers: batteries, motors, resistors, fuses, and rheostats
  • Special devices: electron-ray tube, semiconductor devices, loudspeakers, electrodynamic microphones

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Mechanical oscillations, waves, and sound phenomena

You will know:

  • Mechanical oscillations: free and forced oscillations, harmonic oscillations, energy transformation, resonance phenomenon
  • Oscillatory systems: load on a spring, pendulum, period and frequency of oscillations
  • Waves in elastic media: transverse and longitudinal waves, wavelength, speed of propagation, period, and frequency
  • Sound waves: speed, loudness, and intensity of sound

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Electromagnetic oscillations and waves, electric circuits, and resonance

You will know:

  • Free electromagnetic oscillations: oscillatory circuits, energy conversion, natural frequency, Thomson's formula
  • Forced oscillations: alternating electric current, generators, electric resonance
  • Electromagnetic waves: electromagnetic fields, wave propagation speed, and wave spectrum properties
  • Transformer: principle and transmission of electrical energy over long distances

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Optics, light phenomena, and electromagnetic radiation properties

You will know:

  • Light: straight-line propagation in homogeneous media, speed of light and its measurement
  • Properties of electromagnetic radiation: interference, diffraction, dispersion, polarization of light, total reflection
  • Coherent radiation sources and optical instruments: optical power, lens focus, and refractive index

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Sound, electromagnetic systems, and functional dependencies

You will know:

  • Timbre of sound, infrasound, and ultrasound
  • Oscillatory circuits: alternating current, voltage, inductive, capacitive resistance
  • Power and energy in electric circuits: work, power of alternating current, transformation coefficient

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Reflection, refraction, and image formation

You will know:

  • Laws of light reflection and construction of images in a flat mirror
  • Laws of light refraction, absolute and relative refractive indices, total internal reflection
  • Lens: optical power, thin lens formula, image formation by a thin lens

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Light phenomena: interference, diffraction, and polarization

You will know:

  • Interference of light and its practical applications
  • Diffraction of light and use of diffraction gratings to determine wavelength
  • Dispersion of light, continuous and line spectra, spectral analysis
  • Polarization of light

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Electromagnetic field and its practical applications

You will know:

  • Basics of electromagnetic field theory, including transmission of electrical energy over distance
  • Use of electromagnetic waves for information transmission, radar, and other applications

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Atomic and nuclear physics fundamentals

You will know:

  • Elements of the theory of relativity, light quanta, photoelectric effect, atomic structure and nucleus, interaction of light with atoms
  • Atomic nucleus composition. Isotopes
  • Induced emission of light by atoms; proton, neutron
  • Energy of atomic nucleus binding. Nuclear forces, radioactive decay, reactions
  • Uranium fission. Nuclear reactor. Thermonuclear reaction. Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation. Methods of ionizing radiation detection
  • Half-life period; energy of atomic nucleus binding, mass defect, energy output of nuclear reactions; chain nuclear reaction, critical mass
  • Planetary model of the atom, proton-neutron model of the nucleus

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Radioactivity and quantum phenomena in practice

You will know:

  • Differentiation between different types of spectra, understanding of radioactivity, etc.
  • Practical applications of quantum phenomena and processes in technology
  • Experiments by A. Stoletov, P. Lebedev, E. Rutherford, A. Becquerel
  • Laser

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Fundamental theories and laws in modern physics

You will know:

  • Laws, principles; hypotheses: postulates of the theory of relativity, laws relating mass and energy, laws of the photoelectric effect, Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect, Bohr's quantum postulates, conservation of nucleon number and charge in nuclear reactions, law of radioactive decay, Planck's hypothesis
  • Basics of special theory of relativity, theory of the photoelectric effect, corpuscular-wave dualism, theory of atomic and nuclear structure

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